DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY: Blog https://upnorthlight.com/blog en-us (C) DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY (DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:58:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:58:00 GMT https://upnorthlight.com/img/s/v-12/u616717088-o633667001-50.jpg DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY: Blog https://upnorthlight.com/blog 80 120 ALEC ERHS 2017 https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/7/alec-erhs-2017 Class of 2017 Senior Representative

I was so thrilled when Alec contacted us. We worked with his older brother Adam a few years back, and it was great getting to know his family. Alec is this years Linebacker & Quarterback for the Elk Rapids High School Football team. He is truly a dedicated talent. When we finished up our session he was soon leaving to attend Harvard University Football Camp. On top of being an amazing athlete he is humble and kind. All around a top notch Guy.

You might spot him this Summer working at Ice Cream Peddlers. Say hello,ask him for a Rep Card, and grab a cone to keep you cool! You will receive %10 off your Senior Session :)

Senior Sneak Peek. Check it out!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/7/alec-erhs-2017 Thu, 14 Jul 2016 23:08:10 GMT
Erin https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/erin I met Erin While working at Ways to Wellness in Midland. As our friendship bloomed we talked about updating her head shots and incorporating some of her beautiful Charms from Deva Designs. Deva Designs is a vendor we work with based out of Sedona Arizona. Their beautiful hand made gifts are so special and inspire joy for many, a great reminder to stay positive and full of light each day.

Erin is a beautiful spirit uplifting all of those who meet her. Spring was so fitting for her session at Dow Gardens as everything was coming to life. I had such a wonderful time getting to know her on a deeper level. She inspires one to dream big & take on the world. Thank you Erin, for being such a great friend and mentor!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/erin Thu, 23 Jun 2016 19:43:04 GMT
Carson || ERHS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/carson-erhs Carson just graduated from Elk Rapids HS !! He was the second Altonen we worked with, and we always love our time with them. During his Session we stopped by the Soccer fields, Downtown Elk Rapids, and ended at his Family farm during sunset. It was just beautiful, and we walked away with a few delicious apples that night! Check. It. Out.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/carson-erhs Tue, 14 Jun 2016 21:41:17 GMT
Unicorns Turn 30 Too https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/unicorns-turn-30-too Someone very special turned 30 recently, and I had the privilege of attending their surprise party. Leslie doesn't like a lot of attention, but she deserves it. Sorry Leslie :p For example she recently shaved off her golden locks to "raise money for childhood cancer research and stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer", as a St.Baldrick's Participant. No big deal...She's the bee's knees to put it lightly.

The Party:

There was so much love and excitement filling the air before she arrived. New friends, old friends, and family from a far surrounded by the smell of cherry blossoms at Nagy Orchards. Shorts Beer arrived by the barrel while apple Pie moonshine & Yucka were so kindly taste tested for the arrival. There was SO much delicious food & to top it off a unicorn cake. The night was full of music, prancing, and a few karaoke tunes sung by even yours truly.  Take a gander at this magical evening.


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/6/unicorns-turn-30-too Thu, 09 Jun 2016 21:43:09 GMT
Senior Representative 2017 https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/5/senior-representative-2017 It's Spring time, and that means we are looking for our Class of 2017 Senior Reps. Every year we choose two Northern Michigan Seniors. They receive FREE senior Sessions, Look Books, Referral bonuses, & much more. Are you interested or do you have a friend that would be the perfect fit? Our ideal candidates are adventurous & comfortable in front of the camera. 


Please contact us at: [email protected] with a little bit about yourself.  We can't wait to hear from you!


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/5/senior-representative-2017 Sat, 28 May 2016 00:53:15 GMT
Adriana || Elk Rapids HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/4/adrianna-elk-rapids-hs Adriana is an Elk Rapids Senior graduating this Spring, and she is ready to take on the world. For her senior session we met in beautiful Downtown Elk Rapids, and then finished during sunset at her grandparents awesome house on Lake Michigan. We had such a fabulous time getting to know her family and thank them for the wonderful hospitality.


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/4/adrianna-elk-rapids-hs Fri, 01 Apr 2016 23:33:39 GMT
Kayla || Oxford HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/3/kayla-oxford-hs Kayla is another one of our Oxford High School Seniors soon to Graduate this Spring! We met her at the beautiful Dow Gardens in Midland on a Sumer's Eve. Her whole family came to support her and sweet little sister even was so generous to help hold lighting equipment. It was such a pleasure meeting everyone and sharing such a special memory. We are so thankful for the kind creative clients we attract. 


Thank you for being such a fantastic human Kayla. We wish you the best in whatever you choose to do!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/3/kayla-oxford-hs Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:00:00 GMT
Julia || Oxford HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/3/julia-oxford-hs Julia will be graduating from Oxford High School this Spring! We met at Dow Gardens in Midland, MI on a warm Summer evening, and it was so much fun working with her. She has amazing style and such a positive personality. We just love when seniors bring outfits that express their true personalities. The more comfortable you are the better your photos will reflect the true beautiful you. 

Thank you for being SO Amazing Julia! We're excited to see what your future holds. 

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/3/julia-oxford-hs Tue, 29 Mar 2016 19:49:46 GMT
Kate & Kyle https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/1/kate-kyle ​

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/1/kate-kyle Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:59:10 GMT
Amber & Andy Kendrick https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/1/amber-andy-kendrick Camp Blodgett

West Olive, MI

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2016/1/amber-andy-kendrick Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:11:05 GMT
Coleman Schindler || Class of 2016 || ERHS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/coleman-schindler-class-of-2016-erhs Working with Cole this past Fall was a breath of Fresh air. His family won my photography package at the We Are E.R. Dinner Auction last Spring! The first moment I met Cole he showed up at the Football field, independent of anyone else, with an armload of props and ideas.  *TIP* It's always nice having extra help and a posse of your biggest supporters come along to your photography session, but I've noticed seniors are more at ease  expressing themselves when there are less eyes watching.

As you'll notice Cole climbed up on our beloved bronze Elk mascot, sporting orange and black, a school flag, and crown. It was magical. From here we stopped at places around downtown Elk Rapids and ended at the beach where he wanted to sport his fancy man outfit. 

I'm so happy I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Coleman Schindler. He's been part of so many fantastic theatrical productions in the area, and everyone has something positive to say about him. As stated from another senior I photographed previous, " Cole is going to be President!" - Well there you have it. Now go check out this future POTUS :)


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/coleman-schindler-class-of-2016-erhs Mon, 19 Oct 2015 18:51:36 GMT
Sally & Mikie Nagy https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/sally-mikie-nagy So this was the coolest wedding EVER! Sally the sweetest sun ray of a human and Mikie one of the coolest cats in the area celebrated their love this past Aug. They are true soul mates. A perfect fit for one another:) Their wedding over flowed with color, flowers, musical lyrics, Grateful Dead details, Chandeliers, vintage furniture, and a firework display at the end! I could't be happier for the two of them and I'm so thrilled I was able to be apart of such an amazing moment in time.  Some of the other vendors who helped make this all possible were MerryMakers, Amy Kate Designs, Fancy Frey, and Catering by Kelly's- to name just a few. Check out this one of a kind wedding for yourself!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/sally-mikie-nagy Thu, 08 Oct 2015 20:44:56 GMT
The Moore Family https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/the-moore-family Recently I met a family of four at the Chippewa Nature Center. They wanted open fields, but what else they received is what I like to call "ground clouds". Everyone was quite pleased with the foggy atmosphere, and I was jumping for joy inside because this is my thing. Fog = magic in my world. Towards the end of the session the kids were down to their birthday suits and stomped in the puddles covering each other with mud. It was beautiful. I couldn't have a asked for a better ending. This was one of my favorite family sessions. There is a raw quality to these photos that show what parenting is about, remembering what being a child was like, and that love is the glue. Take a look a the Moore Family Session. It's good for the heart..

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/the-moore-family Wed, 07 Oct 2015 22:17:09 GMT
Nicole || St. Francis HS || 2016 https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/nicole-st-francis-hs-2016 Meet Nicole (what a beautiful name, right?)- She attends St. Francis HS and will be graduating next Spring-Class of 2016! We met early in the morning as the sun started to rise downtown Elk Rapids. We ventured to the beach, white Bridge, and Harbor where she works. We ended back at the beach where she showed me some of her volleyball Goddess moves! Nicole was awesome, so much fun to work with, and such a kind soul. It was a great experience getting to know her & we wish her the best!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/10/nicole-st-francis-hs-2016 Wed, 07 Oct 2015 21:23:27 GMT
The Price is White https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/9/the-price-is-white

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/9/the-price-is-white Wed, 23 Sep 2015 22:59:07 GMT
Baby Beetley https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/8/baby-beetley There's a new baby hitting the Michigan blocks soon. Ashley and Tyler are expecting their first baby this up coming September! They decided to wait to know the gender, I'm guessing boy :) I couldn't be more excited for them. Ashley has always loved the idea of having babies and the day has finally come! Check out their beautiful maternity photos at the Chippewa Nature Center in Midland. 

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/8/baby-beetley Tue, 18 Aug 2015 19:39:20 GMT
Alvaro & Maggie https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/8/alvaro-maggie I'm so excited to share this wedding. I grew up with the Bride Maggie and she was always so fun and full of energy. I remember in Middle School making up our own "Spirit Days" so we could wear our funkiest clothes and make every day interesting. After graduating from High School she eventually made her way out to California where she met the love of her life, Alvaro. 

When planning their wedding they decided to celebrate in Northern Michigan. We met them at a beautiful chapel in the middle of the Leelanau Peninsula. It was the first time I had seen her in almost 10 years. She looked stunning to say the least. Her dress was dip died in pink fading into white. She had it done in Arizona, and it made me want to get married all over again. To the same man of course :)

After the ceremony we headed to a local winery for a tasting. From here we followed the party bus into Traverse City where we took romantic shots of just the two of them stopping traffic in a busy intersection. After all the excitement we met them back at their reception venue at Turtle Creek Casino. There was so much love filling the room! We just loved working with their kind families and getting to know Maggie's new Husband, Alvaro.

Thank you again for choosing us to capture such an important moment in your lives! 


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/8/alvaro-maggie Tue, 18 Aug 2015 19:21:00 GMT
Andrew Class of 2016 ERHS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/andrew-class-of-2016-erhs I'm thrilled to introduce our male representative from Elk Rapids High School, Andrew! We had such a great time working with him a few weeks ago. He is a man of many talents and trades. We started like many other senior sessions meeting at the Elk Rapids Football field, but from here he took us on a few new adventures I'm excited to share with everyone.

First of all he is a slack liner. It was so cool watching him balance and do all sorts of crazy tricks for us in the park . Let's just say, don't be surprised if you see me falling from the sky trying this around town this Summer. From here we casually strolled down the beach and then ended at the Elk Rapids Fire Department! We were able to pull out one of the trucks, turn on tons of lights, and it even started raining towards the end which produced such a cool image. Thank you so much to Andrew, his parents, and dog for making this such a memorable experience. You gotta see this!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/andrew-class-of-2016-erhs Fri, 17 Jul 2015 02:18:07 GMT
Sarah & Erik https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/sarah-erik I'm super excited about this blog post, because it's about two of my dearest friends. They are getting married! I'll be standing up in their wedding with my hubby ( can't wait ) so I won't be photographing it, but I did get to do their engagement photos :) They are both musicians so I wanted to throw in an instrument somewhere, and I'm so glad I did. Nothing beats a sunrise in a field with a guitar and daisies, am I right?! They both played while we walked down the isle last summer so doing this for them was very special for me. 

This is another early morning session. Even though I'm a night owl I just love the feeling and colors from the sunrise. The coffee helps too ;) Their wedding will be held at the beautiful H Hotel in Midland, Mi this Fall. They have been planning a whimsical forest wedding, and I am so excited! I would also like to throw out a huge thank you to Tasha who I drug out of bed to help me with this. Couldn't have done it with out you!


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/sarah-erik Thu, 16 Jul 2015 03:19:01 GMT
The Hirschmans https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/the-hirschmans I recently met one of the sweetest families vacationing in the North lands. We met in Elk Rapids, on a gorgeous evening, where I took them to the historic Library, Memorial Park, and harbor. I couldn't have asked for a better group. Here's a little peak at our time together!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/the-hirschmans Thu, 16 Jul 2015 01:34:04 GMT
Mackenzie Class of 2016 ERHS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/mackenzie-class-of-2016-erhs It's officially Senior Season! My absolute favorite. I just love getting to know each and everyone personally as we spend just a few moments together. Each session has a different story, each person a different path, and the future is unknown to all of us.

I'm always so impressed with the seniors I work with and what their aspirations are. This year I chose two Senior Representatives from Elk Rapids HS. I'd like to introduce you to my female Rep, for those who don't know her already, Mackenzie! We met on the foggiest of mornings, after sunrise, and her pictures are hauntingly beautiful. Check it out!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/7/mackenzie-class-of-2016-erhs Wed, 15 Jul 2015 01:48:40 GMT
Ways to Wellness https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/6/ways-to-wellness Life is truly amazing! I could go on for days, about the interesting developments in mine over the past year, but  I'll leave you to your own at the moment. Your life will blossom if it hasn't yet already, and this comes at different times for everyone. It's the way it was meant to be, and it's a beautiful thing. 

A few months back I walked into a store I had never been to before. It was called Ways To Wellness, and literally was only a few miles from where I lived. I couldn't believe this was under my nose the whole time, and I had no idea. The moment you walk in your senses dance with happiness. The energy changes. You feel calm, content, and happy. It felt as if this was how it was supposed to be. I wanted to take this feeling with me everywhere.

I started to examine all of these beautiful smelling natural oils, soaps, and salts. Then my eyes were drawn to an area of the store glowing with color. It looked like a candy aisle, but instead each bowl was filled with beautiful minerals and crystals. Who was in charge of this wonderful place? Then I met Jo and Jeff.  A happily married couple who moved from California and opened their business over 5 years ago.

They are so inspirational and full of love. It's truly a blessing to have met them, and I'm not the only one to think so. Recently they were featured on WNEM TV5 - Better Mid Michigan Living segment "Making Time For Me". While this happened they invited me to come in and document this fantastic opportunity. I'm excited to share, with you, a few photos from one of my favorite stores.

If you ever find yourself driving through, near, or above Midland Michigan I highly recommend stoping by Ways To Wellness. I promise you'll feel great after you do!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) Michigan photography https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/6/ways-to-wellness Tue, 09 Jun 2015 00:25:30 GMT
Janelle and Nick https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/3/janelle-and-nick While Spring approaches, slowly, here in Michigan I can't help but look back at some of my Winter sessions feeling warm from all the love I was surrounded by. I've grown a friendship with the Northern seasons.  Yes, even Winter. I never thought the time would come, but here I am with a warm cup of coffee, snuggled in my favorite blanket, looking at beautiful fluffy snow flakes blow by and kiss my window. Each day is filled with different colors and the drama created by the snow gypsy at this time of year can be inspirational. Let me now show you what I'm talking about. 

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2015/3/janelle-and-nick Wed, 04 Mar 2015 22:10:30 GMT
Leyton https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/leyton I always look forward to my sessions with Leyton. He has such a big personality and already such a ladies man. This year we decided to visit the animals and explore the Chippewa Nature Center here in Midland. I like to call this experience the " Day of Jokes". I never knew my knock-knocks were so killer. Leyton's were better, but I captured some wonderful smiles :) Take a look at one of the coolest kids around! 

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/leyton Mon, 22 Dec 2014 04:41:24 GMT
Mr. & Mrs. Longoria https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/mr-mrs-longoria Longoria, has to be one of the best names out there! Cynthia and I met each other when we were little girls and then she moved to Florida. 15 years later I received an e-mail from her saying she was getting married in Michigan and she wanted me to photograph it. Life is amazing that way. It was so wonderful being able to see her again after all these years and be apart of something she has been excited about all her life. I swear I remember her being a bride for Halloween as a little girl. Her husband Bob is perfect for her. He is such a great guy and their wedding was beautiful! It was held at Castle Farms in early November. It wasn't snowy just yet, but the wind and cold said otherwise. Cynthia was such a trouper in her strapless dress outside taking pictures. There are so many great moments from this celebration you have to see for yourself.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/mr-mrs-longoria Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:50:16 GMT
Baby Leena https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/baby-leena My cousin just welcomed the first DiGiovanni Baby into the group! It was my first time meeting her and I couldn't get enough. These photos will always hold such a special place in my heart and I am so proud of the man my cousin has become. You can see the love this Daddy has for his sweet little girl. Take a look!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/baby-leena Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:10:59 GMT
The Delickta Family https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/the-delickta-family I was so happy to see that this fantastic family won my photography package at the Lakeland Elementary Silent Auction! They live right behind my house where a grew up so I just walked over after visiting my family for the holidays. They invited me in with a glass of wine and a warm cozy house full of Christmas cheer. We stayed warm for awhile as I took some family photos of them & then with their favorite football team jerseys on. Later we went and braved the wintery conditions. I really wanted to get down to a water edge as I knew the blue water against the white snow would be stunning, lucky only my feet got wet! I can't tell you enough how much fun I had and I can't wait for you too check out some pictures!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/12/the-delickta-family Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:57:18 GMT
Love & Babies https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/11/love-babies This Fall I had the pleasure of working with a friend from high school who wanted some photos of her and her hubby to be, and their beautiful baby. Even though the weekend was full of rain and cold we found a moment to meet in the morning and capture precious moments of her family. Life is amazing, and I love watching people grow into amazing people of the future.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/11/love-babies Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:08:31 GMT
Mr&Mrs. Francis || Northbranch MI || Wedding https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/mr-mrs-francis-northbranch-mi-wedding A beautiful Fall wedding was held a few weeks ago for Kayla & Josh. They celebrated in a huge white tent, placed in a carved out cornfield, under the stars. There was an amazing live band and everyone danced as a storm blew in and it rained around the party. It was full of love, moonshine, and the best friends/ family anyone could ask for.- A perfect magical night that you must see for yourselves :)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/mr-mrs-francis-northbranch-mi-wedding Sat, 25 Oct 2014 22:13:38 GMT
Thank you Miles & Olivia! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/thank-you-miles-olivia This year I had the best Senior Representatives! Every year I pick two students from Northern Michigan who I take out early Summer. I get to come up with new and exciting places for photos & to experiment with new ideas while they get free senior sessions in return. There are many other perks to being a Rep. such as getting a free minni session at the end of the season. This time around I met Miles at the High School for some football & basketball photos & later I met up with Olivia at a beautiful old historic home off of River Street.  Thanks for all you did this year! -If you or anyone you know would be interested in this opportunity for the class of 2016 I would love to hear from you! You can contact me at [email protected]


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/thank-you-miles-olivia Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:36:06 GMT
Laura || ELk Rapids HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/laura-elk-rapids-hs Laura was my neighbor growing up and I've known her since she was a tiny beauty. I can't believe how grown up and gorgeous she is! It was a great way to end my Northern Michigan seniors this year. We met at the Maple Bay Nature Conservancy late in the evening and walked all the way to the beach where she even stomped in the waves for me in her polka dot boots. She had a million expressions and was a natural behind the lens. Take a look!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/laura-elk-rapids-hs Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:27:15 GMT
Abby || Elk Rapids HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/abby-elk-rapids-hs I met Abby last weekend when it was blustery and wet for almost a week. As soon as I started driving to the State Hospital to find her the clouds parted and the sun danced upon the colorful Fall leaves. I enjoyed everything about her senior session except that I had to stop on time and rush to the next. Her Mom and friends followed teasing her to smile along the way. There was just something about Abby that was different. Maybe it was the fact that she reminded me of Kurt Cobain or maybe it was that we totally would have been BFF's if I was 8 years younger, either way it was fun & I can't wait to show you :)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/abby-elk-rapids-hs Mon, 13 Oct 2014 17:22:05 GMT
Fall Engagement- Stacy & Patrick https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/fall-engagement--stacy-patrick These two love birds recently got engaged and are planning a destination wedding somewhere warm and Sunny. It was a beautiful evening as we watched hot air balloons in the sky and they cuddled on the beach until sunset.  You know you want to take a look :)

IMG_5952IMG_5952 9494

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/10/fall-engagement--stacy-patrick Wed, 08 Oct 2014 15:47:08 GMT
Dave & Kimmi Get Married! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/dave-kimmi-get-married Two of my dear friends, finally ;), tied the knot this past month. The ceremony was held on Lake Huron up at Kim's parents house in Cheboygan, MI. You couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. Even though Kim's ring ended up lost during the ceremony, it was later found in the sand by a trusty bridesmaid who saved the day. We had so much fun celebrating and exploring a new area we hadn't had the opportunity of photographing yet. Check out more of this perfect wedding & Congrats again you two love birds!


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/dave-kimmi-get-married Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:38:36 GMT
Dillon || Elk Rapids HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/dillon-elk-rapids-hs A few weeks ago I had the joy of meeting Dillon. He was a morning kind of chap so we met right after the sun came up on the football field. We then later braved a little sprinkle at the Dam Beach and ended at the harbor, where he works, and were able to take some photos of him and his BA car  :) Dillon was one of three seniors I had this Summer who made it onto the homecoming court this past weekend! I only work with the best -take a look at this handsome guy yourself...

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/dillon-elk-rapids-hs Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:13:07 GMT
Logan || Elk Rapids HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/logan-elk-rapids-hs I recently met Logan downtown Elk Rapids for senior photos. She was so sweet & beautiful. I had such a great time and the rain held off for us that morning so the colors were lovely. I can't get enough of her session. Take a look for yourself!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/logan-elk-rapids-hs Sat, 13 Sep 2014 02:49:31 GMT
Alex || Lake Orion HS https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/alex-lake-orion-hs Meet Alex. One of the coolest, calmest, and most collected ladies of the year. We meet up in Midland, at Dow Gardens, where she rocked some Converse sneakers, a dress, and hung out next to waterfalls. Later, we traveled to Stratford Park where we were able to get some beach shots. Alex even got in the water at the end, excited for any fun idea. It was such a treat photographing her with her beautiful dark hair-perfect eyebrows- and blue eyes. Check this beauty out for yourself!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/9/alex-lake-orion-hs Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:52:57 GMT
Zach || Elk Rapids High School https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/zach-elk-rapids-high-school I recently met Zach who will be graduating this up coming Spring. He came with his mother who was a gem- she owns the Bee Hive hair Salon in Elk Rapids, you have to check it out- so cute! Zach was so easy going and so much fun. We made a quick little dip through Elk Rapids where we ended at the beach during sunset. It was what dreams are made of..check it out!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/zach-elk-rapids-high-school Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:38:13 GMT
Mr & Mrs. Steinbeck https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/mr-mrs-steibeck Superman delivered the rings, Power Rangers took out some ninjas along with the help of a Ninja turtle,  and it was a masquerade! Absolutely one of the most fun weddings yet. Check it out!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/mr-mrs-steibeck Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:06:01 GMT
Adam Trautman || Elk Rapids High School https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/adam-trautman-elk-rapids-high-school Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Adam and his mother for senior pictures in Elk Rapids. We started at the football field where he was able to show off some of his quarterback skills. I'm glad I decided to bring my ladder along because Adam is one tall guy! Later we drove to his beautiful house on Elk Lake where we finished at sunset with some paddle board photos...not with just him on it but also his dog! It was such a great time and we can't wait to see where Adam goes in his future. He is one smart cookie!- Check out this stud for yourself!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/adam-trautman-elk-rapids-high-school Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:46:06 GMT
Hunter || Elk Rapids High School https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/hunter-elk-rapids-high-school I met Hunter at one of my favorite places to photograph in the area, the Maple Bay Nature Preserve. We explored the forest, fields, downtown Elk Rapids, the Harbor, & the beach,- ending at a beautiful sunset! Hunter will be graduating from Elk Rapids High School this Spring.  Check out this handsome senior session for yourself :)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/8/hunter-elk-rapids-high-school Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:30:22 GMT
Maddie! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/maddie Maddie is one of the most fun people I have EVER met. We had such a great time exploring Elk Rapids, MI laughing until the sun went down. Maddie will be graduating from Lake Orion High School next Spring! I can't wait to see what her future holds..I'm predicting, Green :) - Now push on, check out this ray of sunshine already!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/maddie Fri, 01 Aug 2014 03:24:53 GMT
Mr. & Mrs. White https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-white Bob & Jessica recently tied the knot in beautiful Central Lake, MI at Vermeersch Farms. Jessica pulled up to the ceremony in style -white carriage pulled by horses of course.  There dog also made sure to get the best seat in the house-right in front center stage of the ceremony. Check out more of this glorious celebration below. WARNING- their love is blinding.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-white Mon, 21 Jul 2014 23:03:55 GMT
Senior Rep. Olivia Lein https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/senior-rep-olivia-lein Look for Olivia this Summer to get a discounted Senior Session with us! Olivia and I had an hour session down town Elk Rapids and then out in beautiful fields during sunset.  She was the perfect model and it couldn't have gone any better ! Check it out for yourself.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/senior-rep-olivia-lein Thu, 17 Jul 2014 02:15:36 GMT
Senior Rep. Miles Starr https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/senior-rep-miles-starr Miles and I did a quick hour Senior session around beautiful Elk Rapids Michigan ending at the Elk Rapids Harbor. This is the second Starr boy I've gotten to work with and they always do such a fantastic job. - Looking forward to our minni shoot this Fall :)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/senior-rep-miles-starr Tue, 15 Jul 2014 20:27:53 GMT
Mr. & Mrs. Williams https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-williams Check out this fabulous Great Gatsby New Years Eve wedding! Natalie and Nate tied the knot this past winter at the Old Town Hall in  Elk Rapids. Swoon.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-williams Fri, 11 Jul 2014 22:53:41 GMT
Franki & Kyle are Engaged! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/franki-kyle-are-engaged Took a drive across Michigan to meet Franki and Kyle in Grand Haven where he proposed this past Winter.  There was a bit of a drizzle but we made it through right before the big down pour. I love spending my weekends in new places capturing the most significant times in peoples lives. There's always some new adventure waiting for me. It was sweet GH :)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/franki-kyle-are-engaged Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:05:59 GMT
Mr. & Mrs. Steiner https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-steiner What a beautiful start to the wedding season! Alissa & Nick tied the knot at The Inn at Bay Harbor and celebrated soon after at the Bay Harbor Country Club- Northern Michigan you are gorgeous. 

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/7/mr-mrs-steiner Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:21:00 GMT
Cynthia & Bob https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/cynthia-bob

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/cynthia-bob Sat, 12 Apr 2014 18:23:42 GMT
Love at White Birch Lodge https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/love-at-white-birch-lodge

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/love-at-white-birch-lodge Sat, 12 Apr 2014 18:17:52 GMT
Szarowicz Wedding https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/szarowic-wedding

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/szarowic-wedding Sat, 12 Apr 2014 18:06:07 GMT
The Whitmans https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/the-whitmans

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/the-whitmans Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:35:29 GMT
Kimmi & Dave https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/kimmi-dave  


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2014/4/kimmi-dave Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:16:41 GMT
Tom https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/6/tom I was really looking forward to Tom's session because not only is he a handsome young man, but his Mom was my Kindergarten teacher. Who doesn't love their kindergarten teacher!? We met at the White Birch Lodge & If you've never checked it out I highly recommend to do so. It's such a beautiful location, right on Elk Lake, that provides lodging of many different varieties . It's a perfect place to have visiting family & friends take a look at. The WBL was actually one of my & many of my friends first Summer jobs so it was  a lot of fun walking around the grounds again.  We found a lot of great spots  and then headed towards town to get some shots at the famous Dam Beach.  What we were looking forward to most was heading back to the lodge again because Tom was hopping in the water to ski! I threw out the idea that he could wait until later in the Summer to do this when the water warmed up a bit, but he was ready! We waited for the golden hour to strike, jumped on the boat, and Tom went straight in the water! He said, " It was colder than I expected." Pretty sure he was the first one skiing on the lake this Summer. This was my first time taking water sport pictures so I was really excited! We got so many cool shots. Some of my favorites are of Tom's silhouette against the sunset while he's shredding the water. Take a look yourself!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/6/tom Wed, 05 Jun 2013 18:53:07 GMT
Regan! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/5/regan Regan is my first Senior Rep. from Midland High School.  I'm thrilled about choosing her. She is this petite beautiful ball of energy that I could have spent all day with. Regan is a 3 time varsity MHS cheerleader, and she plans on pursuing a degree in recreation and event management.  For her session we met at Dow Gardens, which was in full bloom. I couldn't resist taking a photo of her next to every flowering tree, bush, or grass patch. It was absolutely gorgeous weather, the flowers were amazing, and Regan was a joy to work with. I can't wait to meet with her again later this Summer for her minni session! Here are a few of our favorite shots....

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/5/regan Thu, 30 May 2013 16:20:21 GMT
Emma! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/5/emma Senior Season has started! I always choose at least 3 Senior Reps.  each year who receive two free sessions, a proof book, tons of FB coverage, the opportunity to receive free prints, & even money. This year I chose two representatives from Elk Rapids High School & one from Midland High School. Each Rep. will have referral cards handy,  and if you get one you'll receive 20% off your session when booking!

My First Representative I'd like to talk about is Miss. Emma from ERHS. Emma & I met Downtown Elk Rapids. It was finally a beautiful weekend up North so we walked about the town, stopping at the harbor, and then driving to a beautiful cherry orchard. I was keeping a close eye on those cherry blossoms & I was thrilled to see we were able to get them at their peak for Emma's photos. 

Emma is one classy lady. She actually spent the last Summer in NYC with family who were make-up artists! She would get to go to all the photo shoots & take part in the action. Emma is also part of the National Honor Society holding the title of secretary, part of the National Art Honor Society, as well as being a member of the ERHS Tennis team.

She was such a joy to work with & I adored her classic look. She reminded me of Audrey Hepburn :) Here's a little peak of our time together!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/5/emma Wed, 29 May 2013 18:52:54 GMT
2014 Seniors! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/4/2014-seniors ~2014 Seniors~

It's Time to Start Booking Your Senior Pictures!!:)

If you haven't seen the specials for booking your Senior Session Early on Facebook or cycling through the High School - Here's some info:

~~~~~ Be A Rep.!~~~~~

     This is such a Great opportunity! Free sessions, free prints with referrals, prizes, and even the possibility to win $250.00 to put in your own pocket:)

     You might be thinking..so whats the catch? There really isn't one. I need outgoing Seniors who will tell their friends where they can get fresh, unique, fun Senior Photos~ DiGiovanni Photography of course~ By doing this you get rewarded! In the meantime I use your photos for marketing on FB, my Website, and brochures. If you like getting your picture taken and want to spread the love just send me a message on FB or at [email protected]. Just let me know who you are, your school, and any activities or hobbies you have. I would Love to hear from you!! I will have 3 picked by May first . Don't miss out!

Tweet Tweet- Calling all Early Birds~

Schedule your Session in May You will get 1/2 off any Package cost and a Free Proof Book.  For example a 2 hour session is $300.00 originally, but by booking in May it would only be $150.00!

What is a Proof Book?- It's a 5x7 spiral album consisting of every picture from your session.  This is a great way to show your friends and family how much fun you had-and how good you look ;) ! These are $75.00 normally, but by booking early it's FREE!

Schedule Your Session in June1/2 Off any Senior Package.

Schedule your Session in July- Another opportunity to grab a Free Proof Book!

*  scheduling means that your photos would be taken in these months- 


Happy Trails to You, Class of 2013!

    As Seniors prepare for graduation, and I work on Open House Invites, I can't help but think about the amazing memories created last Summer with each and every person. About every weekend I would drive to the beautiful area of Elk Rapids to meet up with a number of Seniors looking to have their photos taken. During the week I would shoot Seniors from all around the State. Each person took me on a new adventure, letting me into their lives, as I helped them create visual stories of who they have become. We met at  Football fields, Soccer fields, Downtown Elk Rapids, Dam Beach, Memorial Beach, Bathing Beach, Park Beach, Beautiful homes on Elk Lake, Handsome Boats on Elk Lake, Torch Lake, Sand Dunes, Harbors, Orchards with Blossoms, Private Woods, Sunflower Fields, Art Galleries, The State Hospital, Hippy Tree, Dow Gardens, Nature Center, Tridge, Down Town Grand Rapids, Railroad tracks.... and I can't wait to explore even more this year with the Class of 2014!

Here are a few of my favorite Senior moments from last Summer....


KANDIS- Elk Rapids HS- Senior Rep.

Anthony- Elk Rapids HS- Senior Rep.

Patty- Ellsworth HS- Senior Rep.

Eddie- Elk Rapids HS

Nate- Elk Rapids HS

Talon- Elk Rapids HS

Loren- Elk Rapids HS

Logan- Elk Rapids HS

Tawny- John Glenn HS

Trent- Elk Rapids HS

Alec- Elk Rapids HS

Jesse- Elk Rapids HS Riley- Elk Rapids HS

Megan- Rockford HS

Timmy- Elk Rapids HS





(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/4/2014-seniors Fri, 19 Apr 2013 19:11:21 GMT
Earl Bird Seniors of 2014!! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/4/earl-bird-seniors-of-2014

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/4/earl-bird-seniors-of-2014 Mon, 08 Apr 2013 23:57:04 GMT
Mothers Day Special! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/3/mothers-day-special

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/3/mothers-day-special Sat, 30 Mar 2013 00:18:19 GMT
Mr. & Mrs.Wiejaczka https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/3/mr-mrs-wiejaczka As wedding season approches I couldn't help but feel inspired to share some of my adventures from last Summer. Being able to capture people who are madly in love is one of my favorite things to do. These are some of the most important times in our lives, and with all the doom and gloom we hear about daily why not celebrate the beauty that the world is full of as well!?

Last Spring I was introduced to Lindsey.  I could go on forever about how brilliant and lovely this women is. We shared a love for fairy tales, tea parties, and nature..just to name a few. I knew it was a match made in heaven, and I'm not even talking about her and Joe ;).  I can't tell you how perfectly our perspective and realities of life are. ya..we connected, haha.

Joe and Lindsey are perfect for each other, truly, and their wedding day couldn't have reflected this any better. Lindsey wore her Mothers wedding gown, altering it to her accord, while the bridesmaids wore beautiful fairy like dresses ( from Etsy) all different pastel colors with bits of lace and sheer fabric.  They also wore necklaces with charms that Lindsey had collected over the year, specific to each girl. It was lovely~

No detail was ignored, and at the reception hall one could find a cake decorated with forest accents while the tables had moss, butterflies, wood, floating candles, and humongous dandelions -which were at their final moment and one could blow to make a wish. It was a real life fairy tale.

For their honeymoon they traveld to France, ( could it get any more perfect!?) picnicked next to the rivers of Paris, and frolicked in breath taking fields of flowers. They now reside in Traverse city, by an orchard, in a house that surprise, could be found in a story book!

Here's a glimpse at just the begging of a life Joe & Lindsey will share together.

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2013/3/mr-mrs-wiejaczka Sat, 30 Mar 2013 00:16:02 GMT
Maternity- Baby Ella! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/ella One of our dearest friends are having a baby..any day now! I was so excited to see Lakyn's belly for the first time let alone do my first maternity session. I met them at their house and took a few pictures of Trev and Lakyn, and then we went and did our thing while the boys hung out and caught up on life's most recent events. I had this "vision" for a photo I wanted to do, because I had never seen it anywhere. It consisted of Lakyn sitting in the garden next to all the other growing vegetables with her belly and a garden sign with Baby Ella's name on it...Trevor does a lot of gardening so I thought this would be perfect for them! The photos turned out so adorable, and I'm so glad we were able to do them when we did, because Lakyn is ready to pop any day now! We couldn't be more excited for them to start their family, and we love them so much! Here are just a few of our favorites:)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/ella Thu, 16 Aug 2012 01:37:51 GMT
Senior Favorite~Eddie! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/eddie Eddie was my first senior this year. I've known his family for about as long as he's been alive so I was thrilled when they asked me to take his Senior photos. For those of you who don't know Eddie, he is a jack of all trades. I had no idea how involved he was until I got the down low about what he's been up to and what his future plans are after graduation. "Eddie's dream is to go to the United States Navel Academy for college. This prestigious university in Annapolis is so hard to get into and requires levels and months of applications to even get a look at . He loved his summer session there. His back-up college plans hope to land him at the University of Michigan, Hillsdalem or Kalamazoo College. He is looking forward to his senior year, football, basketball, singing in the choir,  the school play, and being the senior class President! "- All I could say was WOW , Eddie has not only grown up he has blossomed into quite an amazing young man! I can't wait to see what his future holds!!

Back to our time together...We stopped at the football field first, and I took some action shots of Eddie throwing the ball, which turned out pretty cool, if I do say so myself:) We then stopped by the Dam Beach for a few quick photos in the dune grass and then jetted straight over to the harbor. After all of this Karen, Eddie, Pat, and I met up with Ted on the boat! This was by far the most fun we had all evening. As the sun was setting, Eddie played some tunes on his Ukulele, as I snapped photos of him. At the end of the night we got him to jump off the front of the boat- what a great finale to the night. It was a perfect day/reunion!


Congratulations & have a wonderful Senior Year, Eddie. Go get em:)


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/eddie Wed, 15 Aug 2012 19:11:24 GMT
Senior Favorite Session- Nate! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/Nate This has been my first chance to blog in quite awhile. I've been keeping up with all these wonderful seniors, all boys I might add, taking their photos all over Northern Michigan...I LOVE IT...there's not a better place to be:) One of my more recent sessions was with Nate. After all the excitement of Harbor Days settled down we met up Sunday evening on the football field where I captured Nate in his element. I'm so excited to see the Elk Rapids football team kick butt this year! I've been watching these boys play since they were wee lads :) It's amazing that this will be their last high school season... After we finished up at the Glowicki Field we met over at the Day Park. It was a beautiful evening, and we had a nice variety of scenery around to work with. The woods were beautiful and the close proximity to the beach made it a perfect spot. Nate's laid back attitude made him extremely photogenic, and by the time we ended, at the Elk Rapids Harbor, I knew it was going to be a hard job to narrow down his best shots- they were all great!

Nate will be graduating from Elk Rapids High School next year! 2013!! -This guy has an extremely bright future ahead of him:) Congrats Nate! Enjoy Your Senior Year.


(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/8/Nate Mon, 13 Aug 2012 17:32:41 GMT
2013 Seniors! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/5/Seniors

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/5/Seniors Wed, 23 May 2012 17:00:00 GMT
Emily~ https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/5/emily One of my friends came down to my neck of the woods recently, and we decided to get creative and have a photo shoot! Emily is not only gorgeous, but one of the sweetest girls I Know. During the first hour I created a eclectic tea party scene with a bunch of my trinkets hanging out in my house. I have this really neat twisty tree in my backyard that I hung lanterns and scarves from. I also found  some mirrors & vases with shattered glass and displayed them on sheer colorful fabrics and lace. My tree was in full bloom and it was a beautiful day. Emily is wearing one of my dresses from Modcloth (love the site) it is very vintage / Victorian looking ..so perfect for our theme. Later on we decided to go for a modern extreme look.Very different than earlier. I placed her in front of a grungy barn door where she did her thing, and the photos are striking ! We had so much fun ...she wore one of my blonde bob wigs, and we did the hole high fashion black bar eyes, which I have always wanted to do with someone. These shoots are great for modeling portfolios, and they are also great gifts for friends/ and oneself. Who doesn't want beautiful pictures of themselves? I like to call these Self Expressive Sessions.

This upcoming Saturday I will be shooting Emily's Sisters wedding up in Petoskey Michigan. I am so excited to capture one of the most beautiful moments in her life! I have heard so much about their family, and I can't wait to finally meet them all. The wedding is going to be amazing. The theme is very whimsical & enchanting where the party will be held in a woodsy surrounding with vintage china collected over the past year. The bride will be wearing her mothers wedding dress that she has altered to make her own, and the colors are of natural pastel rose, yellow, blues, and greens.  I can't wait to get this Summer started with Love- Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend everyone!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/5/emily Wed, 23 May 2012 16:56:14 GMT
Senior Rep. Anthony! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/4/anthony I've introduced him once before, but this is Anthony. He is not only one of my amazing senior reps., he's my brother:) Obviously I've known him his whole life, and I can't believe he is graduating next year from Elk Rapids High School! I am so proud of him and can't wait to see what his future holds! Anthony put the idea of going to the State Hospital in my head, because he has had quite the fascination with it lately. It's not easy having your sister tell ya what to do all day, but he handled it so well. My fiance Pat and I actually drove up to Elk Rapids Saturday after an MS walk we had in the morning and had a master plan to grab my brother and drive straight to Leelanau's Fish Town for our favorite Sandwiches ( a 3 hr drive just for a sandwich) in the world at the Cheese Shanty. If you haven't had this experience I highly recommend it. This place is such a gem! They have these amazing pretzel bread sandwiches that get more amazing with every bite.  The North Shore sandwich is where it's at! Pat and I would like to consider ourselves sandwich connoisseurs hahaa....When I say best sandy ever I'm not kidding. This is actually going to be our main course at our wedding in a few years... lol. Anyway enough sandwich talk (for now)...Anthony, he's great! See for yourself:) Don't forget about the referral cards my senior Reps. should have in about a week. They'll get you a special gift if you bring them to your senior Session. Also if you refer anyone you'll also be rewarded with more fun surprises:)




.......... AND

The Beautiful North Shore!

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/4/anthony Thu, 26 Apr 2012 17:59:42 GMT
Senior Rep. Kandis! https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/4/kandis This was the first time I ever met Kandis, and I was pleasantly surprised! She did such a wonderful job! It wasn't the warmest of days at all and Kandis was such a trooper! We met in acme at the Nature Preserve at the old farm house. I just love that area it's such a nice place that doesn't get as utilized as it should. When you enter you drive through these amazing green fields, where you end up at the edge of a forest, and it leads you down to the beach. We thought it would be amazing if we could fit in some time to go over to a local Cherry field to capture her during sunset with all the Cherry blossoms...So happy we did. They turned out so beautiful! I'm so glad Kandis decided to be one of my senior Rep's shes such a fun beautiful girl and I can't wait to work with her again. She will be graduating from Elk Rapids High School next Spring! If you see her ask for a Referral card and bring it to your Senior session..you'll get a nice little gift:)

(DIGIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHY) 2013 Award Graduates Michigan Senior northern photography representatives winning https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/4/kandis Wed, 25 Apr 2012 15:05:56 GMT
2013 Senior Rep. Patty~ https://upnorthlight.com/blog/2012/4/Patty This past weekend I traveled up North to meet, for the first time, with my 2013 Senior Reps! The first Girl I was able to work with was Patty:) I've known her since she was just a wee little thing. She grew up with my brother Anthony, and it just so happened I graduated with her sister Christina and she is still one of my best friends:) I was so excited to see Patty for the first time in years! We met at the State Hospital in Traverse City to get a variety of textures, landscape, and urban surroundings. I knew she would be a natural, and as you can see I was right..hehe. I can't wait to work with her again this Summer when it gets a bit warmer:) She'll be graduating from Ellsworth High School next Spring! If you run into her ask for a referral card! You'll receive a special gift if you bring it into your Senior session:)